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Can Flossing Cause Gum Recession?

When it comes to maintaining good oral hygiene, flossing is often recommended as an essential part of the routine.  It helps remove plaque and food particles from between the teeth...

When it comes to maintaining good oral hygiene, flossing is often recommended as an essential part of the routine. 

It helps remove plaque and food particles from between the teeth and along the gumline, preventing cavities and gum disease. 

However, some individuals have raised concerns about whether flossing can actually cause gum recession. 

In this blog post, we will explore the relationship between flossing and gum recession, examining the benefits of flossing, understanding gum recession, its causes, and whether flossing plays a role in its development.

Before we delve into the details, it's important to note that gum recession is a complex issue influenced by various factors. While flossing is an important component of oral hygiene, it is unlikely to be the sole cause of gum recession. 

Let's explore the topic further to gain a better understanding.

Benefits of Flossing

Before we dive into the relationship between flossing and gum recession, let's first acknowledge the numerous benefits of flossing. 

Flossing helps remove plaque, which is a sticky film of bacteria that accumulates on the teeth and gumline. By removing plaque, flossing reduces the risk of cavities, gum disease, and bad breath.

Furthermore, flossing reaches areas that a toothbrush cannot, such as the spaces between the teeth and below the gumline. This is crucial because plaque buildup in these areas can lead to inflammation, gum disease, and eventually gum recession. 

By incorporating flossing into your daily oral hygiene routine, you can effectively maintain the health of your gums and teeth.

Now that we understand the benefits of flossing, let's explore what exactly gum recession is and the factors that contribute to its development.

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Understanding Gum Recession

Gum recession, also known as gingival recession, refers to the gradual exposure of the tooth's root surface due to the shrinking or pulling back of the gum tissue. 

This condition can be concerning as it can lead to increased tooth sensitivity, an unsightly appearance, and potential tooth loss if left untreated.

Several factors contribute to gum recession, including age, genetics, poor oral hygiene, aggressive tooth brushing, smoking, hormonal changes, and certain medical conditions. 

It is important to note that gum recession is a multifactorial issue, and flossing alone is unlikely to cause it.

Now that we have a better understanding of gum recession, let's explore the relationship between flossing and this condition.

KIWIBIRD white electric toothbrush and rechargeable water flosser work together to provide an effective and convenient way to maintain a healthy smile.

Causes of Gum Recession

As mentioned earlier, gum recession is caused by various factors. 

While flossing is not a direct cause of gum recession, improper flossing technique can potentially contribute to its development. 

Aggressive or forceful flossing can traumatize the delicate gum tissue, leading to inflammation and recession over time.

It is important to floss gently, using a sawing motion to guide the floss between the teeth and then curving it around each tooth in a C-shape. Avoid snapping the floss against the gums or forcing it too deeply into the gumline. By practicing proper flossing technique, you can minimize the risk of damaging the gums and potentially causing gum recession.

Now that we understand the potential impact of improper flossing technique, let's examine the evidence from studies on the relationship between flossing and gum recession.

KIWIBIRD pink electric toothbrush and portable oral irrigator are designed to remove plaque, prevent cavities, and promote gum health.

Studies on Flossing and Gum Recession

Several studies have investigated the relationship between flossing and gum recession. 

One study published in the Journal of Periodontology found that individuals who flossed regularly had a lower risk of gum recession compared to those who did not floss. 

The researchers suggested that flossing helps remove plaque and prevents inflammation, reducing the likelihood of gum recession.

Another study published in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology demonstrated that a combination of proper brushing and flossing techniques was associated with a reduced risk of gum recession. 

The researchers emphasized the importance of incorporating both brushing and flossing into the daily oral hygiene routine to maintain healthy gums.

While these studies provide valuable insights, it is important to note that individual experiences may vary. Some individuals may be more prone to gum recession due to genetic factors or other underlying conditions. 

Therefore, it is essential to consult with a dental professional to assess your specific oral health needs and develop an appropriate oral hygiene routine.

Now that we have explored the studies on flossing and gum recession, let's discuss the proper flossing technique to minimize the risk of gum recession.

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Proper Flossing Technique

To ensure you are flossing correctly and minimizing the risk of gum recession, follow these steps:

1. Start with approximately 18 inches of floss and wrap the ends around your middle fingers, leaving about 1-2 inches of floss to work with.

2. Hold the floss tightly between your thumbs and forefingers, gently sliding it up and down between your teeth.

3. Curve the floss into a C-shape around each tooth, making sure to go beneath the gumline.

4. Use a clean section of floss for each tooth, and be sure to floss both sides of every tooth.

Remember to floss gently and avoid snapping the floss against the gums or forcing it too deeply into the gumline. By practicing proper flossing technique, you can effectively remove plaque and maintain healthy gums.

Now that we understand the proper flossing technique, let's explore other factors that can contribute to gum recession.

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Preventing Gum Recession

While flossing is an important part of maintaining good oral hygiene, it is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to preventing gum recession. 

Here are some additional factors to consider:

1. Brushing technique: 

Brush your teeth gently using a soft-bristled toothbrush. Avoid aggressive brushing, as it can damage the gums and contribute to recession.

2. Regular dental check-ups: 

Visit your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and check-ups. They can identify early signs of gum recession and provide appropriate treatment.

3. Quit smoking: 

Smoking has been linked to gum disease and gum recession. Quitting smoking can significantly improve your oral health.

4. Maintain good oral hygiene: 

In addition to flossing, brush your teeth at least twice a day, use an antimicrobial mouthwash, and consider using interdental brushes or water flossers to clean between teeth.

By adopting these preventive measures and maintaining a consistent oral hygiene routine, you can minimize the risk of gum recession and maintain healthy gums.


Flossing is an essential part of maintaining good oral hygiene, and when done correctly, it can significantly contribute to the health of your gums and teeth. 

While improper flossing technique can potentially contribute to gum recession, flossing alone is unlikely to be the sole cause of this condition.

By practicing proper flossing technique, incorporating other preventive measures, and consulting with a dental professional, you can effectively prevent gum recession and maintain a healthy smile. Remember, maintaining good oral hygiene is a lifelong commitment that pays off in the long run.

So, keep flossing, brushing, and smiling with confidence!


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